Setting up a remote site

Before you set up a remote site, create a local site (which you will then associate with the remote site). See Creating a local site.

The next step in setting up a remote site is to determine where the site will be located—that is, what server the site will be served from. Your client, employer, or ISP probably has a server already set up to serve Web pages (whether Internet or intranet); ask a system administrator or your client for the name of that server, and find out how to transfer files to that server.

In particular, determine whether to use FTP to connect to the server, or whether you can instead mount the server as a network-accessible disk drive from your desktop. If you're connecting using FTP, find out the name of the FTP server.

When you've gathered this information, use the Define Sites command to associate the server with your local site; see Associating a remote server with a local site. If you encounter problems setting up your remote site, see Troubleshooting remote site setup.

After you've set up a remote site, you can upload files to it, or download files from it if there are already files on the site. See Using the check in/check out system and Getting and putting files.